NIPUN Ladakh - aimed at improving Foundational Literacy and Numeracy of the children in the Govt. schools of Ladakh
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NIPUN Bharat Mission in Ladakh

17000 ft Foundation in partnership with the Govt., is working towards ensuring children across all primary schools of Ladakh achieve Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) goals, as set under NIPUN Bharat by 2026-27.

To achieve and sustain this initiative, 17000ft is collaborating with the DIETs of Leh and Kargil on institutionalising the FLN Program by strengthening the UT Level Master Trainers and the Primary teachers on the FLN pedagogy for English and Maths, Active Learning Methodology, Creation of Lesson Plans and implementing them in the classroom, Creating TLMs using locally available materials, Classroom Management Techniques, designing competency based assessments, types of Assessments, importance of Circle Time and more. The trainings are conducted in phases and all support is being extended to cascade the training.

Training content is being curated after Focal Group Discussions with all the stakeholders. Progressive assessments have been curated similar to the National Surveys for practice purpose. 17000ft is actively piloting the FLN Program in 65+ schools of Ladakh. These schools are spread across all the blocks to represent all possible challenges in implementing the program. 17000ft has also conducted a baseline assessment to understand the learning levels of the children in grade 1-3. A draft Learning Outcome Framework has been developed for the children in the Foundational stages and Learning Resources like Lesson plans, Learning Outcome based Assessments are also being developed for English and Maths that will support the teachers immensely in the classroom.

Govt schools selected for direct intervention
Children impacted directly
Practice Workbooks distributed in Ladakh

The Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Program in Ladakh

17000ft team has been conducting regular reading workshops and fun filled FLN activities during their school visits to the remote schools of Ladakh. Additionally, 17000ft has been curating and distributing concept based practice workbooks to all the students of all Govt. schools of Ladakh. These workbooks are handed over to the students before the long winter break so that they are able to revise the concepts and be ready for the upcoming academic year. 17000ft has also distributed worksheets in the short summer break for practicing the current academic year content. All the workbooks have received wide appreciation from parents as well as teachers and students.

To address the learning gaps, a pilot of an Accelerated disruptive learning program (ALfA from Dignity Educaiton Vision International) was implemented in 30 schools of Leh wherein the children used TLMs to understand Mathematical concepts, and known to unknown way of learning for English language. An average learning improvement of 30% was observed after the endline of the program. The teachers diligently implemented the techniques and shared positive feedback about the pedagogy.
