Voluntourist@17000ft - enabling travelers to contribute to schools in remote villages

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Who can be a Voluntourist?

Voluntouring in the Indian Himalayan Region is not for the unadventurous. The one factor that binds all our Voluntourists together is their sense of adventure, their willingness to experience the real Ladakh, their openness to learning from an ancient culture, and more importantly, their passion to give back something in return as well.

17000 ft has small group programs for individual and families, as well as more long term structured programs for School and Corporate groups who can come together as a team, fundraise and adopt the infrastructure needs of a village school.

Tourists volunteered in remote Govt. Schools
volunteering hours clocked
Villages benefitted with exposure and income opportunitiesols

The Program

There are structured 10 day Programs for a group of individual Voluntourists, while the school and corporate group programs are tailored to fit the skill sets and needs of the group. The program within Ladakh and Sikkim is created and organized entirely by 17000 ft in collaboration with the remote school and is conducted and facilitated by our own team of young, local facilitators who are themselves eager to give back to their own community.

The program involves training and orientation at our local centres, long travels to remote areas, stay at village home-stays/guesthouses, volunteering work at the local school and an opportunity to visit some of the more popular sights of the region.

The Program content ranges from conducting Reading Programs (helping children to read), Art Workshops (exposing children to different art forms), Science Workshops (activities aimed at making Science interesting), video modules and Infrastructure Projects (setting up playgrounds etc), as well as other unique skills that a Voluntourist can expose our children to.

Voluntourist Stories